Nov 10, 2016

Trends in Intelligence Research: Expert Opinions

If you are interested in recent expert opinions about advances on intelligence research in the 21st century click on the link below:

You can recover 7 video presentations and the discussion held at the International Seminar: Advances on Intelligence Research: What should we expect from the XXI Century?
Madrid, April 7-8, 2016

The  seminar was organized by Maria Ángeles Quiroga (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) and The Spanish Journal of Psychology (a printed version of the talks will appear soon in a special issue). 

The following topics were discussed:

M. Ángeles Quiroga from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid:
The measurement of Intelligence in the XXI century: Could Video Games be an alternative? 
Wondering if different genres of video games can be used as potential measures of intelligence.

Douglas K. Detterman from the Case Western Reserve University, and former editor of Intelligence, the leading journal in the field of intelligence research:
Education and intelligence: Pity the poor teacher because student characteristics are more significant than teachers or schools.
Arguing that only about 10% of school achievement can be attributed to schools and teachers while the remaining 90% is due to characteristics associated with students, mainly their intelligence.

Stuart J. Ritchie from the University of Edinburgh:
Ageing body, ageing mind: Do cognitive and physical functions change together in old age?
A large-scale study showed that there was little evidence to suggest that the mind ages at the same pace as the body (common cause hypothesis). General intelligence had no shared decline with physical functions such as grip strength, forced expiratory volume, and walking speed.

Danielle Posthuma from the University of Amsterdam:
Advances in the Genetics of Intelligence
Discussing the possibility of an IQ gene. Can growing “mini brains” from cells of high/low IQ individuals help for a better understanding of the intelligence construct?

Emiliano Santarnecchi from the Harvard Medical School, Boston:
Advances in the neuroscience of intelligence
Talks about the newest trends in researching the neurobiological basis of intelligence being among the most intriguing yet controversial issues in modern psychology and neuroscience.

Adam Chuderski from the Jagiellonian University Krakow:
Fluid intelligence and (de)synchronization of oscillatory bands in brain
Introducing the dynamic oscillatory approach as a promising tool to study the intelligence- brain relationship. This approach can account for the interplay between capacity and control, showing why and when both of them are necessary for effective abstract reasoning to occur.

Norbert Jaušovec from the University of Maribor:
Making brains run faster: Are they becoming smarter?
The central question of the presentation was: Can intelligence be increased by changing brain activity with behavioral training, neurofeedback, nutrition, and brain stimulation techniques like TMS, tDCS, tACS, and tRNS.

Do not miss the discussion (video A and Q) that ends with Roberto Colom's question:



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